It’s our mission to flip the standard and make organic plant-based the new norm.
In line with this mission, we always strive to work with nature (instead of against it) and have the smallest footprint possible.
In this section you’ll discover what that looks like throughout our whole supply chain.
We’ll show you how our primary ingredient - coconut - is sourced, harvested, shipped, and everything in between.
Next to that, we’ll take a look at the high standards we use for selecting other ingredients than coconut.
Finally, we take a deep dive into relevant topics like biodiversity, organic agriculture, and much more. Ready to discover more? Let’s go!
Hoe duurzaam is onze supply chain?
1. Waar komen onze kokosnoten vandaan?
De kokosnoten die wij gebruiken in onze heerlijke yogs komen uit de Filippijnen; een Zuidoost-Aziatisch land dat bestaat uit meer dan zevenduizend eilanden! Believe us, we hebben de hele wereld afgereisd om allerlei verschillende kokosnoten te proeven, maar die uit de Filipijnen zijn toch echt het lekkerst. Waarom?
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.
2. Hoe worden de kokosnoten geoogst?
Onze kokosnoten worden geoogst door boeren met behulp van speciaal oogstgereedschap. Deze tool, speciaal ontworpen voor het oogsten van kokosnoten, bestaat uit een zeer scherpe haak (ook wel zeis genoemd) die aan het bovenste uiteinde van een bamboestok is bevestigd. Fancy, right?
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.
3. Wat is biodiversiteit en waarom is het zo belangrijk?
Biodiversiteit is een verzamelnaam van alle verschillende soorten dieren, planten, schimmels en micro-organismen die samen onze natuurlijk bestaan vormen. Het is essentieel omdat alle levende organismen samenwerken in ecosystemen om het leven op aarde te ondersteunen en te laten floreren. Onze biodiversiteit heeft echter behoorlijk wat te verduren gehad...
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.
4. Wat is biologsiche landbouw en waarom is het beter dan conventionele landbouw?
Goede vraag. Laten we hier eens wat dieper op ingaan.
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.
5. Hoe zit het met boerenwelzijn?
Onze leverancier op de Filippijnen werkt rechtstreeks samen met meer dan 3.000 boeren, voor het merendeel inheemse bevolking. Alle boeren maken deel uit van een coöperatie en hun welzijn is onze prioriteit. De boeren ontvangen een eerlijk salaris dat boven het minimumloon ligt. Daarnaast hebben ze de mogelijkheid om trainingen te volgen zodat ze de productiviteit van bestaande gewassen kunnen verhogen of ze leren om verschillende soorten gewassen tegelijkertijd te verbouwen (intercropping). Er zijn dus volop mogelijkheden voor de boeren om hun technische kennis te vergroten en een hoger salaris te verdienen.
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.
6. Wat gebeurd er met de restproducten van de kokosnoten?
Er is geen productverspilling, want elk deel van de kokosnoot kan worden gebruikt! Hoe cool is dat?
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.
7. Hoe zorgen we voor duurzaam transport?
We gebruiken de hoogste kwaliteit kokosmelk in onze producten. Helaas groeit deze heerljike vrucht niet in onze achtertuin en moeten we het per schip van de Filippijnen naar Europa vervoeren. Dus hoe maken we dit transport duurzamer?
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.
8. Hoe duurzaam is onze verpakking?
Wij streven er altijd naar om voor al onze producten de meest duurzame verpakking te gebruiken die beschikbaar is.
Thanks to its many islands, the soil in the Philippines naturally contains more minerals which enriches the flavor of the coconut. And this you can taste!
All coconuts are sourced directly from our organically certified coconut supplier located on one of the country’s most beautiful islands. Does it get even better? Yes. We are proud to be able to say that all coconuts are 100% single-origin, meaning they are all harvested on one single coconut plantation. This gives the coconut milk we use unique characteristics and specific flavors compared to coconut milks made of coconuts from multiple origins.
The coconut farm covers an area of more than 13 thousand hectares. It contains multiple varieties of both tall and dwarf coconut trees. The plantation is operated by a team of local smallholder farmers who cultivate the coconuts on their own lands. To ensure that each tree receives plenty of nutrients, the coconut trees are planted with enough spacing in-between, as you can see on the picture below.