Foamy Espresso Martini
Your favorite coffee cocktail, even more foamy!
1 Crush the cardamom pods with a mortar and pestle and put them in a saucepan with the sugar and 100 ml water. Bring to boil and stir until the sugar crystals have dissolved. Leave to cool for approx. 20 min until the syrup has reached room temperature. Pour the syrup through a fine sieve.
2 Fill two glasses with ice cubes and tapioca pearls. Pour in some cardamom syrup to taste (about 2 tablespoons per person, 3 for the sweet tooth). Froth the Abbot Kinney's Barista Edition cold. Pour an espresso into each glass and top off with the foamed plant-based milk. Garnish with ground cardamom.
*Tapioca pearls can be purchased online, at Asian food stores and, of course, at Bubble Tea stores. Do you find making your own cardamom syrup too much of a hassle? Then replace it with, for example, Monin's speculaas syrup or hazelnut syrup.