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Pumpkin-kale salad with mustard yog dressing

AK Okt 212220



Serves 4 | prep time 20 min | oven time 40 min | total time 60 min

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 °C degrees and line a baking sheet with baking paper.

  2. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the seeds. First, cut the pumpkin into slices about 2 cm thick and then remove the skin from each slice. Cut into cubes.

  3. Peel the beetroots and cut into half moon slices about 1 cm thick.

  4. Put the pumpkin cubes in the middle of the baking sheet and the beetroot slices on the sides. Rub the vegetables with some olive oil, using a brush. Season with some black pepper and salt. Slide into the oven for 35-40 minutes.

  5. In the meantime, mix the Coco Start Original with the other ingredients for the dressing and season with some black pepper. Put in the fridge until the salad is ready to serve.

  6. When using kale leaves in a salad, we recommend to massage the kale for a few minutes. Doing this will get rid of the bitterness that kale is notorious for. It will turn a lovely darker green in colour as a bonus.

  7. Bring all the ingredients together on a big serving plate or divide over 4 plates. Garnish with some pine nuts and season to taste with some pepper and salt.

AK Okt 212245
This salad is perfect for an autumn lunch or light diner.

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